Sometimes, even just a simple and quick clean-up of all the unnecessary files that pile up on our computer, together with a thorough fix of all issues that may clog up our Windows registry is more than enough to notice how our PC starts breathing again. Wise Care 365 is a free utility that offers you exactly that – a comprehensive scan of your PC and a few simple solutions to fix any issues found.
The free version reviewed here is but a small showcase of what the program can do for your computer. Still, if used regularly, it is enough to keep your PC running smoothly and safely.
It performs a thorough scan of your entire system, pointing out all those issues that might slow down your computer and compromise its optimum performance. It puts the emphasis on the privacy traces, what it calls “security projects” (firewall, registry, etc.), useless files, registry entries, privacy, and security issues (computer traces and browsing history), as well as on the configuration of your system, trying to find ways to boost up your PC’s speed, performance, and stability. Not all of these issues can be fixed without upgrading to PRO, but you can surely get rid of some of these threats without making your wallet weep.
The program is more generous when it comes to clean up your disks from unwanted and unnecessary files. The clean-up tasks also include registry entries, help files, software paths, uninstallers, DLLs, etc. And a similar treatment is applied to the tune-up options. Wise Care 365 will identify all those areas in which your PC’s speed can be improved and will surely optimize them for you in a one-click operation.
Wise Care 365 offers you but a fraction of what it can do if you decide to register your free copy and upgrade to its PRO version. Then, the possibilities multiply, which will surely make the number of issues found grow exponentially, exactly at the same rate as the solutions the program will offer you to get rid of them and boost up your computer’s performance.
Comments (9)
1) It's UI is very simple.
2) Provides complete control over PC performance.
3) In-built boot-up time manager.
4) 95% of functions are free to use.
5) No time limits.
1) None Found.
Our view:- Pick it.